Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New Beginnings

Well, here I am at the University of Oklahoma! I have had so much fun living in a new town and I cannot believe classes have already started. I arrived in Norman on the tenth of August and started rush! Rush was a very fun, overwhelming experience but I loved everything about it. I ended up getting a bid from Kappa Alpha Theta! I have enjoyed every second of being a new Theta sister and I have met very many sweet friends. However, now that school has started it is time to buckle down and hit the books.
            I am from Fort Worth, Texas, and went to a small private school called All Saints. It was pretty crazy coming from a classroom size of twenty-five to a Psychology class the second day of college with a grand total of 470 students! Everything is really different but super exciting. I absolutely love college and I will be blogging about how it is going!

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